"Penulis yang suka melamun," or "The Daydreaming Writer," captures the essence of a writer who often finds solace in the realms of imagination and creativity. Such a writer thrives on the flights of fancy, where ideas flow freely and inspiration knows no bounds.

This daydreaming habit is not just a mere distraction but a vital part of their creative process, fueling their ability to weave captivating stories and create rich, immersive worlds for their readers.

This kind of writer may be seen as having their head in the clouds, but in reality, they are deeply engaged in the art of storytelling. Their daydreams serve as a fertile ground for nurturing plots, developing characters, and exploring themes that resonate with the human experience.

This mental wandering allows them to step outside the constraints of the ordinary and tap into a wellspring of creativity that is both profound and limitless.

For the daydreaming writer, moments of idle thought are never wasted.

Reach me on instagram @danidoang29 or by email: danikosasih872gmail.com